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 [DECLINED]apply pleister turalyon 
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Joined: February 17th, 2015, 13:03
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Post [DECLINED]apply pleister turalyon
General info
Character name: Pleister
Battletag: pleister#1992
Race, class, level, server: dwarven, priest, 100, turalyon
Talent spec: main spec: holy / off-spec: disc

What are your professions and why did you choose them?
My professions are enchanting and tailoring.
I chose those professions because as a priest i can take alot of advantage from this professions, and i think it is very important to have all your items enchanted if you wanna go to raid.

For how long have you been playing World of Warcraft?

I was playing wow until the 3th expansion after that i stopped playing wow at al.
I am now playing wow again for like 2/3 months.

Total played time: 140 days

Guild and raid info
Previous guilds and your reason(s) for leaving them:
It was a social guild, when i start playing wow again i was not looking for a guild that focus on raiding. i want to learn to play wow again so i was in that guild. i left because i think it is time to raid more structered now and do some harder end-game content.

How did you hear about Frenzy?
I watched what the best guild are on turalyon/doomhammer and i thought frenzy would be a good place to raid again with my character

Why Frenzy and why should we accept YOU?
Well i like the progression of raiding of frenzy. And i think i can learn more about my char and priests in general. I want to become a better player and i think i can upgrade my skills when i join frenzy. I think you should accept me because i am a serious player, and Always try to play at the top of my game. If something goes wrong i am not afraid to ask and learn things.

Do you know anyone from Frenzy in-game or irl already? If yes, who and will they vouch for you?

i don't know anyone:(

What is your raid experience (on any character and including past experience)?

well when wow just released i was in a guild like frenzy, and i did molten core and onyxia liar:P (very old i know), but after that i only have real experience with pugs in WOD.

until now i killed:
highmaul normal: 7/7
Highmaul heroic: 7/7
BRF normal: 7/10
BRF heroic: 6/10

What do you expect from raiding in Frenzy?
I expect some good players that help eachother to kill as many bosses as we could. I expect the raids to be fun and serious at both time.

Do you have a microphone and are you willing to use it during raids?

Unfortunately i don't have a mic, i do have teamspeak and ventrilo of course.

Can you attend all of our raid times listed in the rules?

yes i can attend all the raid times:)

How much do you play outside of raiding times?

i think outside raiding time i play like 2/3 hours a day. mostly farming gold and trap beasts for my barn:P

How would you describe yourself as a raider?

I am a person that don't like to fail, and if i make a mistake i will be mad at myself. I want to perform as good as i can. And if i see that other players will heal better then me i will ask them for tips to improve myself.
i will do anything what the raid leader ask me and i am Always well prepared.

What addons do you use to improve your raiding performance?

DBM, omen, healbot, recount, grid, thogarhelper, unitframes

Please supply a link to the armory with your raiding gear equipped: ... ter/simple

Please supply combat logs of some of your previous kills: i never have done this, so i don't know how it works.

Real life info
Name: Metin
Age: 23
Location: Utrecht, Netherlands
Info about you and what you do when not playing WoW:

I am 23 years old and i am a student accountancy, so i am going to school. I also like to do sports, like playing soccer and going to the fitness. I also like to hang out with friends and do some fun stuff like drinking beers and going out.
I also like to sleep:P

You're free to add extra information if you feel like it!

I hope i can join the guild, and i can add some good things to your guild.

February 19th, 2015, 0:25
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Joined: May 27th, 2011, 15:18
Posts: 2609
Post Re: apply pleister turalyon
Hello Pleister,

We are currently reviewing your application and will get back to you as soon as possible!

Guild Master of Frenzy

February 20th, 2015, 11:22
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Joined: June 1st, 2011, 23:16
Posts: 924
Location: Denmark
Post Re: apply pleister turalyon
Hi Pleister

We've decided to decline your application. Good luck on your guild hunt.


February 22nd, 2015, 19:05
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