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 [ACCEPTED FOR TRIAL] Erme-Monk-Brewmaster 
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Joined: February 23rd, 2015, 0:33
Posts: 6
Post [ACCEPTED FOR TRIAL] Erme-Monk-Brewmaster
General info
Character name:Erme
Race night elf, class monk, level 100, server: Doomhammer
Talent spec: Brewmaster

For how long have you been playing World of Warcraft? I have been playing on and off since vanilla i have played for a little bit in most of the expansions.

Total played time: i have played on 2 accounts so it will be a rough estimate. though it would be over 100 days played easily as i have around 90 on my current account.

Time played on current character in current expansion: 25 days at current level on my monk.

Guild and raid info
Previous guilds and your reason(s) for leaving them: enough is enough doom hammer i am still currently in this guild. reasons for leaving would be bad attitudes in the guild and raiding four days a week

How did you hear about Frenzy? i have seen it on Wow progress and also seen about it in trade chat

Why Frenzy and why should we accept YOU? i am a dedicated player and always push myself to be the best and want to push into new content at a faster rate

Do you know anyone from Frenzy in-game or irl already? If yes, who and will they vouch for you?
i know kyle the hunter have done CMS and other things with him in game and yes he would.

What is your raid experience (on any character and including past experience)?
Originally raided in vanilla as a warlock
Raid xp i raided as a holy pally in SOO to 10/14 heroic
Current xp is 1/7 M high maul and 7/10 Hc BRF haven been able to progress on last 3 bosses that much.

What do you expect from raiding in Frenzy?
A focused guild that wants to progress into mythic and is willing to push the knowledge of there classes and take responsibility for their mistakes and improve

Do you have a microphone and are you willing to use it during raids?
I do have a mic and am willing to use it and call out when I'm moving a boss etc and need for externals.

Can you attend all of our raid times listed in the rules? How often do you expect to miss a raid? (note we have an 80% attendance requirement and do track raider attendance)
I can attend the raid though i might have a small issue with the sunday start time i cannot alway guarantee ill be onetime for that raid though i will make it for 2000 at the latest.
How much do you play outside of raiding times?
i play a fair bit i have done a lot of pugging as well and have a couple of alts for professions etc

How would you describe yourself as a raider?
i am a calm raider. i want to progress through tires and get kills.i try and push whatever i can to improve the raid.

What addons do you use to improve your raiding performance?
Weak auras for tracking stuff. DBM i know you need EPGP as well. i sometime use skada though i turn this off occasionally.

Please supply a link to the armory with your raiding gear equipped: ... rme/simple

Please supply combat logs of some of your previous kills: ... est#boss=0
these are all the logs i have of some of the recent kills i have done

Real life info
Name: jack
Location: england
Info about you and what you do when not playing WoW: work watch films and run, browse reddit

You're free to add extra information if you feel like it!

February 23rd, 2015, 0:58
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Joined: June 1st, 2011, 23:16
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Post Re: Erme-Monk-Brewmaster
Hi there Erme

Thanks for the app - we'll get back to you soon!


February 23rd, 2015, 16:51
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Joined: May 27th, 2011, 15:18
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Post Re: Erme-Monk-Brewmaster
Hello Erme,

I've added you on BattleTag - please get a hold of me when you're online (if you haven't got my request, then add Woodgnome#2314).

Guild Master of Frenzy

February 23rd, 2015, 21:37
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Joined: May 27th, 2011, 15:18
Posts: 2609
Post Re: [PENDING] Erme-Monk-Brewmaster
Hello Erme,

We've moved our raid times by 30 minutes (so we have raid start at 20.30 Wednesday/Thursday and 20.00 Sunday) - unless that's an issue for you we'd like to accept you for a trial!

Get a hold of me or one of the other officers for a guild invite.

Guild Master of Frenzy

February 28th, 2015, 1:29

Joined: February 23rd, 2015, 0:33
Posts: 6
Post Re: [ACCEPTED FOR TRIAL] Erme-Monk-Brewmaster
yeah those times are better for me as well to be honest.
ill /w you hen I'm on

March 1st, 2015, 1:04
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