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 New EXCITING info about 4.3 
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Post New EXCITING info about 4.3
MMO-Champion wrote:
Hangen's Legendary and Patch 4.3
Another interview showed up today in The Escapist. The most important part is the Hangen's Legendary DAGGER (?!?OMFG?!? SRSLY??!!!) and new raid level difficulty, but the important points are all below.

  • Hangen will get a legendary dagger and exciting quest line to go with it. The lore for the dagger has not been decided upon yet.
  • Looking for Raid, easy mode, new level of difficulty (Faceroll Raid).
  • More Looking for Raid stuff.
  • Achievements... bla bla bla.
  • More words.
  • Some more words.
  • NPCs will kill Deathwing, not you nabs!
  • Deathwing will continue her pwnage.
  • Bla bla Pandas.
I summarize the most important stuff... I only hope that they don't trolling me....

Sweet Raptor Jesus - Hangen @ Twitch

September 14th, 2011, 2:53
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Post Re: New EXCITING info about 4.3
Caster dagger.

Guild Master of Frenzy

September 14th, 2011, 9:26
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Post Re: New EXCITING info about 4.3
Woodgnome wrote:
Caster dagger.

Sweet Raptor Jesus - Hangen @ Twitch

September 14th, 2011, 9:49
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Post Re: New EXCITING info about 4.3
Woodgnome wrote:
Caster dagger.

Nowai, +str dagger as offhand for warrior dps.

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September 14th, 2011, 11:07
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Post Re: New EXCITING info about 4.3
OMG OMG!!! Not one, but TWO!!! Yes TWO friking DAGGERS!!!!! I guess blizz heard my prayers!!
Confirmed!! - Patch 4.3 Interview with Greg Street (Ghostcrawler)
Lore Interview with Greg Street, AKA Ghostcrawler

  • The new legendaries are two daggers (main hand and offhand) that are only usable by all three Rogue specs. Combat Rogues will be made to use these daggers as well without a DPS loss. The questline will revolve around the pure black dragon (from the egg in the Badlands) and features several Rogue-centric elements.
Can you talk a little bit about the new legendary for this patch?
Ghostcrawler: Sure. It is a pair of daggers – a main-hand and an off-hand dagger. We are designing them such that all three Rogue specs will be able to use it. We have a little tweak in there so that Combat Rogues will be able to Sinister Strike with the daggers without it being a big DPS loss.

The story of these legendary daggers has to do with the last remaining pure black dragon egg. So kind of how we got here is the black dragons are a really cool enemy in our universe, they have been for a while, but we’re kind of killing them off a lot. Onyxia has been killed and brought back so many times that we’re starting to feel bad for the old girl. Nefarian is dead, again, and Deathwing is going down. So we thought we were running out of black dragons, and we really didn’t want to do that because they’re a really great enemy and we really want to use them again in the future.

So players who play through the Cataclysm quests in the Badlands will remember a questline around this uncorrupted black dragon egg. It was free of the taint of the Old Gods. So what is going to happen is that black dragon egg eventually hatches and there is a black dragon prince who is pure – he’s not a minion of Deathwing; he’s not corrupted by the Old Gods. But that doesn’t mean he is necessarily a good guy. He’s kind of out for himself, he’s kind of got his own agenda, and to bring his plans to fruition he contacts the Rogue because Rogues are a little shady, always working in the shadows, always playing a number of games and has other things going on. The black dragon prince reaches out to the Rogue character and says “If you help me out, I’ll reward you with these increasingly more powerful daggers”.

How did the team decide to make a Rogue weapon rather than a tanking weapon for this legendary?
Ghostcrawler: It’s really funny because every player out there wants and almost expects the next legendary is going to be for them. We try not to let it fall into too much of a pattern. We want legendaries to be something exciting, something that is earned, not something that you “deserve” because it is “your time to get one”. We thought that we liked part of the Rogue story. We thought that Rogues had maybe felt a little bit not special in this expansion with all the high damage numbers that were being done by classes like Mages. We thought it was just the right opportunity to make them shine and feel kind of special. Unless you count the bow, we haven’t done any class specific legendaries to this extent before, so we thought it would be fun to make the legendary quest VERY Rogue-themed. There will be stealthing and pickpocketing, things we know that a Rogue can handle. Then, the weapons themselves, their proc, we’re still building, but the idea is that their proc will tie in something very Rogue specific as well.

One of the problems with tanking weapons is that our tanks use very different weapons so we could say “Well this legendary weapon is going to be for the Warrior and Paladin and hopefully we’ll get to the Death Knight and Druid someday in the future”. With all the talk about a legendary weapon that transforms “you could have a 2-handed version or a 1-handed version”, too much of that I think starts to suck away what is really special about the legendary when it can turn into all these different things.

I guess the message to the players is don’t despair and don’t assume that you’ll never get a legendary for your guy. Hopefully we’ll eventually get them all, but we don’t want to keep it on such a timetable that players are able to predict “Okay, the Elemental Shaman legendary is coming in Patch 6.2 followed by the Hunter crossbow”.

If I’m not losing my mind and reading that correctly, I would like to put myself up as candidate for these legendary daggers.

Sweet Raptor Jesus - Hangen @ Twitch

September 19th, 2011, 13:14
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Post Re: New EXCITING info about 4.3

Sweet Raptor Jesus - Hangen @ Twitch

September 23rd, 2011, 19:25
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Post Re: New EXCITING info about 4.3
What the fuck is that? And where is it from?

Guild Master of Frenzy

September 23rd, 2011, 23:38
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Post Re: New EXCITING info about 4.3
Woodgnome wrote:
What the fuck is that? And where is it from?
Legendary Daggers give you Wings

Sweet Raptor Jesus - Hangen @ Twitch

September 23rd, 2011, 23:46

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Post Re: New EXCITING info about 4.3
As a warlock, whose class has been screaming out for some kind of demonic flight form from something for... ooh... about as long as you've been able to fly for, I will resent the hell out of this if it's not just cosmetic.

Rayathrak / Jalandrae

September 25th, 2011, 12:03
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Post Re: New EXCITING info about 4.3

Legendary Daggers Questline Mini Preview

I friking love it!!!
That's why I believe that Legendary weapons should be class specific. It allows blizz to make an friking EPIC quest line for them, by using mechanics that only this specific class can overcome. Makes the quest line to feels like its made just for you! LOVE IT!

The wings are part of the Legendary buff, you cannot actually fly with them (you can slow fall). source

Sweet Raptor Jesus - Hangen @ Twitch

September 30th, 2011, 15:55
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